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Obituary Detail

May 27, 1939 January 18, 2025
May 27, 1939 -- January 18, 2025

Robert (Bob) Zechman, Age:85

Robert Allan Zechman was born May 27, 1939, to Eleanor and Sylvester “Bud” Zechman in Cleveland Ohio. He had a brother, Richard who predeceased him, and two surviving sisters: Maureen Zechman Hess and Cheryl Zechman. Bob attended Our Lady of Good Counsel grade school and James F. Rhodes High School. After graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Upon his return home from the service, he worked for Fisher Foods while he attended Cleveland State University. In October, 1963, he met Madeline Maskow, and he knew very quickly he wanted her to be his wife. They were engaged on Valentine’s Day in 1964 and married October 24, 1964. This past October Bob and Madeline celebrated their 60th anniversary even though Bob was in the hospital on the 24th.

In 1964, Bob also began his 35-year career with what was then the Bell System and now is AT&T. He began as a cable splicer with Ohio Bell where he attained the position of engineer. He transferred to Southern Bell for a short time, and spent the rest of his career as an engineer with Southwestern Bell. He belonged to the Telephone Engineers Society and served as their treasurer.

Bob and Madeline have 6 children who have survived him along with their spouses: Randy and Cherilyn Zechman, Lynn and Tony Melendez, Sherry and Jon Steffan, Dan and Maki Zechman, Angie and Bill Sholar, and Rick and Katie Zechman. They have sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. Bob was first and foremost a family man. He worked hard to provide for his family. He enjoyed camping and vacationing with them, coaching their sports teams, playing games with them, and telling silly dad jokes. He served as the assistant scoutmaster for his sons’ boy scout troops. He restored old cars including Mustangs for his kids, was passionate about collecting phones, trains, and Disney paraphernalia. His gardening skills were unmatched. He grew so many vegetables, especially tomatoes, that he had enough to share with everybody including his neighbors. He would put his tomatoes and squash, etc., on a folding table on his front lawn for neighbors to enjoy. Along with gardening, Bob’s favorite past time was keeping up with his favorite sports teams. His crowning achievement was being the builder-contractor of their home in Plano where they lived for 43 years and raised their family. He did all the finish carpentry, tile work, wood flooring, etc., himself.

During the time he was employed with Southwestern Bell, he volunteered to be a math tutor at Dallas middle schools, serving in lower income neighborhoods. He thoroughly enjoyed being able to mentor youngsters and share his love of math with them. Bob also was a volunteer who delivered meals on wheels. After he retired, Bob helped out at God’s Food Pantry by picking up donated food each week and delivering it to the pantry.

Bob was so intelligent and could fix anything. He could take anything apart, fix it, and put it back together, and it was working just fine again. He was loving, kind, and had boundless energy, and a corny sense of humor. He was notorious for his “Dad jokes”. Everybody loved him, especially kids. He had an especially soft spot and special love for his pet dogs and cats, and they adored him. He had one flaw: he could not cook, not even on the outdoor grill. His favorite meal was hamburgers (or hamburgs as he called them), but you wouldn’t want to let him cook hamburgers unless you enjoy eating hockey pucks.

Every Sunday would find Bob faithfully attending Mass at his parish. His Catholic faith was an important anchor throughout his life. It was a pleasure to sit next to him at Mass because he had a beautiful voice, and he loved to sing. Every Thursday he would be in attendance at the Bible study he and Madeline hosted in their home.

A celebration of Bob’s life will take place at the Vigil Service at 7:30pm on Thursday February 6, and at the Mass of Resurrection on Friday, February 7th at 11 am at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, 1914 Ridgeview Drive, Allen, Texas. Link for streaming: https://vimeo.com/1051234478